티스토리 뷰
https://dev-punxism.tistory.com/entry/Event-Driven-Microservices 의 연속본, Data Consistency가 핵심인듯하여 따로 정리한다.
Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves. by Tim Berners-Lee
Software에서 중요한 것은 데이터이다. 결국 우리가 Software를 개발하는 이유가 데이터를 헨들링하기 위해서가 아닐까 생각된다.
MSA에서 데이터를 다루는 것은 어렵다. 특히 트랜잭션이 필요한 환경에서는 더 어렵다. 여러가지 방법들이 있지만 전반적으로 대세는 Event Souring으로 보여진다. 개인적으로는 local transaction을 이용한 ebay에서 사용한다는 BASE 모델이 마음에 들긴한다. Ordering이나 Loss에 대한 걱정을 많이 하지 않아도 될 것 같아서이다.
Event Sourcing은 서비스들과 통신하는 Client가 결국 비동기 방식으로 작성되어야 완성 될 수 있지 않을까 생각한다. Event Sourcing에서는 soft weak가 되면서 CQRS가 필수적으로 적용되어야 한다고 생각된다. 예를 들어 Order를 했으면 Order를 확인 하는 것은 폴링을 하거나 푸시를 하거나 비동기로 처리될 수 있어야 하며 결국 정통적인 서버, 클라이언트 구조에서 많은 부분들의 변경이 필요하지 않을까 생각된다.
아래는 강의 중 소개된 nginx에서 MSA를 설명하는 링크이다. 대략적으로 비슷한 내용이라 아래 링크를 참조하는 것도 좋을 것 같다.
Event-Driven Data Management for Microservices - NGINX
Learn how an event-driven microservices architecture solves the distributed data management challenges caused by separate per-service datastores.
- Forces
- Some businees trasancions must update data owned by multiple services
- Some queries must join data that is owned by multiple servies
- Different have different data storage requirements
- Databases must sometimes be replicated and sharded for scalavility
- Services must be lossely coupled so that they can be developed, deployed and scaled independently
- Shared database
- benefits
- easier operationally
- local trasactions only
- drawbacks
- lack of encapsulation/tight coupling
- Single database might not satifsy the data access requirements of
- many connections
- benefits
- Database per service
- variations
- private tables
- private schema
- private database server
- Escapes the constraints of relational databases
- Scalability
- Multi data center, distributed database
- Schema updates
- O/R impedance mismatch
- mismatch rich object vs shcema (maping object to database table)
- Handling semi structured data
- How does each service access data
- Velocity and Volume
- Variety of Data
- Fixed or ad hoc queries
- Latency
- Access Patterns
- Distrubution
- benefits
- service are loosely coupled
- Each service can use the data that is
- drawbacks
- Implementaing transactions and queries theat span multiple service
- more complex to operate
- problem
- ACID broken
- 2 phase commit
- how to maintain invariants
- event driven approach
- variations
- Using Events to Maintain Data Consistency
- Use an event driven ar
- publish
- subscribe
- Maintain eventual consistency across multiple aggregates
- ACID vs Eventual Consistency
- problem
- How to design eventually consistency business logic
- How atomically update database and publish an event
- Failure = inconsistent system
- Update and publish using 2PC
- Guaranteed atomicity BUT
- need a distributed trsasaction manager
- Databse and message broker must support 2pc
- impacts reliability
- Not fashionable
- 2PC is best avoided (2pc는 피하는 것이 가장 좋습니다.)
- Transaction log tailing
- linkedin : databus
- AWS DynamoDB Streams
- benefits
- No 2PC
- NO application changes required
- Guaranteed to be accurate
- drawbacks
- immature
- database specific
- low level db changes rather business level event = need to reverse engineer domain events
- Application created events
- Local Transaction with acid - db table
- Event publisher query to publish
- See BASE (https://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=1394128)
- benefits
- high level domain events
- No 2PC
- drawbacks
- requries changes to the appliation
- only works for sql and some nosql databses
- error prone
- Overview of Event Sourcing
- Event Sourcing
- For each aggregate (Business entity)
- Identify (state changing) domin events
- Define Event classes
- Persistes events NOT current state
- Replay events to recreate state
- Periodically snapshot to avoid lodaing all events
- Request Handling in an event sourced application (event-centric way)
- pastEvents = findEvent(entityId) to event store
- new() to service
- applicaEvents(pastEvents) to service
- newEvents = processCmd(SomeCmd) to service
- apply(newEvents) to service
- saveEvents(newEvents) to event store with optimistic locking
- Event store = database + message broker
- Hybrid database and messge broker
- Implementations:
- Home grown/DIY
- geteventstore.com by greg young
- http://eventuate.io
- Benefis of Event sourcing
- Solves data consistency issues in a microservice/NoSql based architecture
- Reliable event publishing: publishes events neede by predictive analytics etc, user notifications..
- Eliminates O/R mapping problem (mostly)
- Reifies stat changes:
- Bulit in, reliable audit log,
- temporal queries
- Preserved history => More easily implement future requirements
- Drawbacks of
- Requires application rewrite
- Weird and unfamiliar style of programming
- Events = a historical record of your bad design decisions
- Must detect and ignore duplicate events
- Idempotent event handlers
- Tarack most recent event and ignore older ones
- Querying the event store can be challenging
- Some queries might be complex/inefficient e.g.accounts with a balance > X
- Event store might only support lookup of events by entify id
- Must use Command QUery Responseisbility Segregation(CQRS) to handle queries => application must handle eventually consisten data
- For each aggregate (Business entity)
- Event Sourcing
- Desining a Domain Model Based on Event Sourcing
- Use the familiar building blocks of DDD
- Entity
- Value obejct
- Service
- Repositories
- Aggregates <= essential
- Abot Aggregates
- Graph Consistin of a root entity and one or more other entities and value objects
- Each core business entity = Aggregate: e.g. customer, Account, Order, Product,...
- Reference other aggregate roots via primary key
- Often contains parial copy of other aggregates, data
- Domain model = collection of loosely connected aggregates
- Easily partition intto microservices
- Transaction = processing one command by one aggregate
- No opportunity to update multiple aggregates within a transaction => event driven eventual consistency between aggregates
- If an update must be atomic then it must be hanndled by a single aggregate
- Therefore, aggregate granularity is important
- Aggregate granularity
- consistency <-> scalability / User experience
- Designing domain events
- Record state changes(and other notable things) for an aggregate
- Part of the public API of the domain model
- Designing commands
- Created by a service from incoming request
- Processed by an aggregate
- Immutable
- Contains value objects for
- Validating request
- Createing event
- Audit user
- Various programming models
- Traditional java mutable object-oriented domain object
- Functional scala with immutable domain objects
- Hydrid OO/Functional Scala with immutable domain object
- Use the familiar building blocks of DDD
- Event Sourcing Domain Model
- Use an event driven ar
- Total
- Today
- Yesterday
- shenandoah
- ranking
- oops
- Certificate Chain
- Dynamodb
- authentication
- Java
- GC
- CompressedOops
- Intermediate Certificate
- kerberos
- Kafka
- Consumer
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